Tuesday, December 18, 2012

绮剧伒瀹濋捇 The Silmarillion_253

was measured for him by Morgoth Bauglir. And he spoke no more of what was past, but stooping lifted up the Nauglamнr from where it lay before Thingol's chair, and he gave it to him, saying: 'Receive now, lord, the Necklace of the Dwarves, as a gift from one who has nothing, and as a memorial of Hъrin of Dor-lуmin. For now my fate is fulfilled, and the purpose of Morgoth achieved; but I am his thrall no longer,montblanc ballpoint pen.'
Then he turned away, and passed out from the Thousand Caves, and all that saw him fell back before his face; and none sought to withstand his going, nor did any know whither he went. But it is said that Hъrin would not live thereafter, being bereft of all purpose and desire,Homepage, and cast himself at last into the western sea; and so ended the mightiest of the warriors of mortal Men.
But when Hъrin was gone from Menegroth, Thingol sat long in silence, gazing upon the great treasure that lay upon his knees; and it came into his mind that it should be remade, and in it should be set the Silmaril. For as the years passed Thingol's thought turned unceasingly to the jewel of Fлanor, and became bound to it, and he liked not to let it rest even behind the doors of his inmost treasury; and he was minded now to bear it with him always,fake chanel bags, waking and sleeping.
In those days the Dwarves still came on their journeys into Beleriand from their mansions in Ered Lindon, and passing over Gelion at Sam Athrad, the Ford of Stones, they travelled the ancient road to Doriath; for their skill in the working of metal and stone was very great, and there was much need of their craft in the halls of Menegroth. But they came now no longer in small parties as aforetime, but in great companies well armed for their protection in the perilous lands between Aros and Gelion; and they dwelt in Menegroth at such times in chambers and smithies set apart for them. At that very time great craftsmen of Nogrod were lately come into Doriath,nike high heels; and the King therefore summoning them declared his desire, that if their skill were great enough they sho

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