Sunday, December 30, 2012

缇庡浗浼楃 American Gods_307

op him! Don't let him get away! Please!" It was a voice he knew.
Nobody moved. They stared at Shadow,montblanc ballpoint pen. He stared back at them.
Chad Mulligan stepped forward, walking through the people. The small woman walked behind him warily, her eyes wide, as if she was preparing to start screaming once more. Shadow knew her. Of course he knew her.
Chad was still holding his beer, which he put down on a nearby table. He said,Homepage, "Mike."
Shadow said, "Chad."
Audrey Burton took hold of Chad's sleeve. Her face was white, and there were tears in her eyes. "Shadow," she said. "You bastard. You murderous evil bastard."
"Are you sure that you know this man, hon?" said Chad. He looked uncomfortable.
Audrey Burton looked at him incredulously. "Are you crazy? He worked for Robbie for years. His slutty wife was my best friend. He's wanted for murder. I had to answer questions. He's an escaped convict." She was way over the top, her voice trembling with suppressed hysteria, sobbing out her words like a soap actress going for a daytime Emmy. Kissing cousins, thought Shadow, unimpressed.
Nobody in the bar said a word. Chad Mulligan looked up at Shadow. "It's probably a mistake. I'm sure we can sort this all out," he said. Then he said, to the bar, "It's all fine. Nothing to worry about. We can sort this out. Everything's fine." Then, to Shadow, "Let's step outside, Mike." Quiet competence. Shadow was impressed.
"Sure,montblanc pen," said Shadow. He felt a hand touch his hand, and he turned to see Sam staring at him. He smiled down at her as reassuringly as he could.
Sam looked at Shadow, then she looked around the bar at the faces staring at them. She said to Audrey Burton, "I don't know who you are. But. You. Are such. A cunt." Then she went up on tiptoes and pulled Shadow down to her, and kissed him hard on the lips, pushing her mouth against his for what felt to Shadow like several minutes, and might have been as long as five seconds in real, clock-ticking time,chanel.
It was a strange kiss, Shadow thought, as her lips pressed against his: it wasn't i

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