Sunday, December 2, 2012

  Hokosa went home alarmed and full of bitterness

  *****Hokosa went home alarmed and full of bitterness, for he had neverguessed that the "servant of the Messenger," as he called Nodwengo theKing, knew so much about him and his plans. His fall was hard to him,replica montblanc pens,but to be thus measured up, weighed, and contemptuously forgiven wasalmost more than he could bear. It was the white prophet who had donethis thing; he had told Nodwengo of his, Hokosa's, share in the plotto murder the late King Umsuka, though how he came to know of thatmatter was beyond guessing. He had watched him, or caused him to bewatched, when he went forth to consult spirits in the place of thedead; he had warned Nodwengo against him. Worst of all, he had daredto treat him with contempt; had pleaded for his life and safety, sothat he was spared as men spare a snake from which the charmer hasdrawn the fangs. When they met in the gate of the king's house yonderthis white thief, who had stolen his place and power, had even smiledupon him and greeted him kindly, and doubtless while he smiled, by aidof the magic he possessed, had read him through and gone on to tellthe story to the king. Well, of this there should be an end; he wouldkill the Messenger, or himself be killed.
  When Hokosa reached his kraal he found Noma sitting beneath a fruittree that grew in it, idly employed in stringing beads, for the workof the household she left to his other wife, Zinti, an old and homelywoman who thought more of the brewing of the beer and the boiling ofthe porridge than of religions or politics or of the will of kings. Oflate Noma had haunted the shadow of this tree, for beneath it lay thatchild which had been born to her.
  "Does it please the king to grant leave for my journey?" she asked,looking up.
  "Yes, it pleases him.""I am thankful," she answered, "for I think that if I bide here muchlonger, with ghosts and memories for company, I shall go mad," and sheglanced at a spot near by, where the earth showed signs of recentdisturbance.
  "He gives leave," Hokosa went on, taking no notice of her speech, "buthe suspects us,moncler jackets women. Listen----" and he told her of the talk that hadpassed between himself and the king.
  "The white man has read you as he reads in his written books," sheanswered, with a little laugh. "Well, I said that he would be tooclever for you, did I not? It does not matter to me, for to-morrow Igo upon my journey, and you can settle it as you will.""Ay!" answered Hokosa, grinding his teeth, "it is true that he hasread me; but this I promise you, that all books shall soon be closedto him. Yet how is it to be done without suspicion or discovery? Iknow many poisons, but all of them must be administered, and let himwork never so cunningly, he who gives a poison can be traced.""Then cause some other to give it and let him bear the blame,"suggested Noma languidly.
  Hokosa made no answer, but walking to the gate of the kraal,Discount UGG Boots, which wasopen, he leaned against it lost in thought. As he stood thus he saw awoman advancing towards him, who carried on her head a small basket offruit, and knew her for one of those whose business it was to waitupon the Messenger in his huts, or rather in his house,Fake Designer Handbags, for by now hehad built himself a small house, and near it a chapel. This woman sawHokosa also and looked at him sideways, as though she would like tostop and speak to him, but feared to do so.

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