Wednesday, October 17, 2012

chanel watches UseCreativityToImproveYourLife

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\fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\b\f28\fs28 How To Use Creativity To Improve Your Life
\par }{\f28
\par {\*\bkmkstart BM001489}{\*\bkmkstart BM001028}{\*\bkmkend BM001489}{\*\bkmkend BM001028}\'93Are there still original ideas in the world?\'94
\par \'93They beat me to that bright idea; what else can I do?\'94
\par \'93I\rquote ve failed many times before that I can\rquote t think of anything else to solve this problem anymore.\'94
\par These statements reflect the thought of an individual who has given up on creativity. Sadly, a lot of people share this way of thinking. They never viewed creativity as a very useful tool to improve or improvise in life in all its diversity.
\par A situation that requires a solution can be approached in a variety of ways. There isn\rquote t a single way fix to a problem. Being creative opens new horizons
and can deliver many benefits. Creativity can sometimes be mistakenly interpreted as an obstinate attitude. Some people think that insisting on doing things in a different way is a sign of stubbornness.
\par }{\b\f28 Never hold back a good idea}{\f28 . Everyone is free to i
nterpret his own unique way. Any interpretation by itself is creativity at work. A person who enjoys creative thinking can easily come up with innovative solutions for situations that require a quick fix.
\par For instance, your car got stalled on a deserted highway due to a leaky rubber hose on the cooling system. Tough luck! Of all places, it had to happen in the remotest places.
\par If you have some chewing gum in your pocket, it just might be a handy fix. Start chewing the gum and patch it on the leak. To ke
ep the gum in place, tie it with a piece of rag. This quick fix might do the trick so you can drive several miles without an overheated engine, until you get to a service station to have the leaky hose replaced.
\par There used to be a television series entitled \'93MacGyver.\'94
The main character is an extremely creative and crafty guy. Whenever he finds himself in a tight fix, he tries to find a way out of it with his quick fixes utilizing available materials around him.
\par In a way, }{\b\f28 creativity is a never-ending learning process}{\f28 . From learning, you gain untold benefits, which you can use in real life situations.
\par Being creative might require you to }{\b\f28 think out-of-the-box}{\f28 , venturing your mind into the uncommon. You can never be sure of your ideas until you try them. As long as there is no perceived danger involved, it is always worth a try.
\par Inventions are products of creative minds. The field of science, in whatever branch you may touch on, is invention itself. Without creative minds, science would have been a forlorn field of knowledge.
\par It must be noted that most adaptations to improve or improvise are aimed at improving current conditions. Upon analyzing honest applications of creativity, the ultimate intention is to achieve good for all and the will to build lasting
peace. After all, this intention is what counts most.
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\par }{\b0\f28 Erich Fromm spelled it out clearly, \'93The conditions for creativity are: to be puzzled, to concentrate, to accept conflict and tension, to be born everyday, and to feel a sense of self.\'94
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